The most mystic power of coffee is telling the future. If you are lucky to know one of these nice old ladies who have been taught from their grandmothers to 'read' the future in a cup of coffee, you are going to be surprised what a majestic experience this is. Do not miss the chance and spend half an hour to have a cup of nice Turkish coffee and to hear all about your future. ‘Reading' the future in a cup of coffee is a gift that can be transmitted from women in a family.
It could only be done with Turkish coffee using some special rituals, like turning the cup upside-down after finishing the magical drink. After several minutes spent in a friendly talk, the cup is 'ready to tell' through the 'reader' all about the main points of your future life. Have you ever tasted Turkish coffee? I once had the chance to have a real Turkish coffee in a beautiful garden, under a blossoming chery tree with a very experienced coffee-reading lady. She told me the most fascinating story I have ever heard. And this will be 'my story' that I am going to tell to my children and grandchildren as it all came true. It is, of course, about love.
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