The most exciting snack that coffee lovers can have is chocolate to go with your coffee! Incredible combination of sweet and bitterly. And the best thing is that during the day it is always time for this small pleasure.
May be some of you would say that this combination is not healthy and can lead to gaining weight, but here are some nice facts about how this magic combination reflects on people's health.
A recent research showed that chocolate may slow cancer growth and could help you to live longer. The good news about chocolate comes from scientists at Georgetown University Medical Centre who found that a synthetic chemical that is similar to a compound present in cocoa beans slows the growth of colon cancer by 50 percent. Another research, this time about coffee, showed that coffee drinkers live longer than their abstaining peers.
Of course, we have to be very careful with the daily portion of consuming coffee and chocolate! Having too much of that delicious combination could be dangerous for your physical and even psychological health.
I will share with you some interesting facts about how dangerous it could be if we dramatically increase the level of caffeine in our bodies. In other words, be careful when planning your coffee breaks. Scientists found that if you have a high-stress lifestyle and a heavy caffeine habit, you could experience some nasty side-effects, for example, you could start hearing voices.
The bottom line: Be careful when consuming the most perfect combination - Coffee and Chocolate and don't forget to enjoy it with all of your soul!